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POSTERS - 2023


Women and their
Body Hair

Interactive Posters  |  2023

Body Hair-TOP

SCOPE (Multidisciplinary Design)​

  • Exhibition Design

  • Communication Design

  • Interactive Ad Campaign


I am a strong advocate for women and their right to choose whether to keep or shave their body hair. This passion drove me to select this concept for my project. The project focuses on applying graphic design to create an interactive and immersive space. When displayed in a museum setting, these poster series aim to engage visitors and transform them from passive observers to active participants.

Women Hair-summary

Analysis & Ideation


I hold the belief that women frequently face humiliation from others due to their body hair. However, this perspective may not encompass the feelings and experiences of all women. In my opinion, it's crucial to acknowledge the diversity of attitudes and preferences concerning body hair. While certain women might experience self-consciousness or societal expectations to remove body hair, others may confidently embrace it without any offense. For this project, I've embraced the latter perspective, aiming to showcase unity against sweeping generalizations about body hair and to honor each woman's individual choice.

Research & Aesthetics


The recognition that art is inherently subjective, and the complexities within artistic expression are frequently misinterpreted, led me to embrace a minimalist design approach for this project. Within my poster design, I pose a question, granting my audience the freedom to respond directly on the poster using the attached threaded sewing needle. This design choice enables me to harmonize my graphic design sensibilities with art that is uncomplicated and approachable. Ultimately, this approach aids in transforming my subject into an art form that resonates with both myself and my viewers, fostering enjoyment and connection.


Poster Series 01


Poster Series 02


Poster Series 03

The poster's intent is to gauge a collective perspective on the taboo surrounding women and their body hair. I am intrigued to discover how many of my viewers oppose this regressive mindset. Presently, the poster design remains unfinished until my audience engages with it. However, with every individual stitch added to the poster, I move closer to obtaining my answer and finalizing my design.

More Projects

Multidisciplinary Design

Interaction Design

Visual Design

Body har-projcts

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